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How to turn your Las Vegas Condo into one of Las Vegas Top Airbnb’s(2022)

If you’re looking for a way to make some extra cash or just want to try out Airbnb, renting out your condo in Las Vegas could be the answer. While Las Vegas is known for its hotels, there is also an abundance of condos that can be rented out as Airbnb properties.


Things to consider before turning your condo into a Vegas Airbnb.

Location: Location is everything in the real estate world and it’s no different when you are renting out your Las Vegas Condo on Airbnb. One of the most important elements in choosing a location for your Vegas Airbnb listing is proximity to popular events, shopping centers and attractions. If you want to maximize profits from your rental property then it’s important that you choose a neighborhood with high foot traffic so that guests can easily walk around and explore the area.


Safety: When choosing where to list your Airbnb rental there are several things to consider including crime rates, emergency services availability and public transportation options nearby if needed. You should also make sure the neighborhood has adequate parking spaces so that guests won’t have trouble finding one near their unit while they stay at your place!


Cleanliness: In order for guests feel comfortable staying at an Airbnb listing they need know that everything will be clean when they arrive so make sure all appliances work properly before inviting someone over! This includes checking outlets throughout each room making sure they provide enough power sources (if applicable), wiping down surfaces regularly using disinfectant wipes before each guest arrival day/night so no germs build up over time…etcetera…etcetera…

Thinking of using your home for short-term rentals?

The Home Help Team has put together a simple three question survey that can help you better find out what the best options are for making extra income with your home.

Communities that allow for rentals in Las Vegas.

Here are some of the communities that allow for rentals in Las Vegas:

  • Mandarin Oriental

  • Vdara Condominiums

  • The Signature at MGM Grand Hotel and Casino

Make A Rental Budget

Before you start looking at condos and apartments, you should put together a budget. For example, if you want to rent out your condo once a month, how much are the average costs of running an Airbnb? You’ll need to factor in all of your living expenses as well as what it will cost to keep the place clean and maintained. In addition, consider whether or not there are any taxes that need to be paid for listing on Airbnb. If so, how much will those add up over time? If not enough people book your listing then it might not be worth turning into one of Las Vegas top Airbnb’s

Design Your Las Vegas Airbnb

The first step in designing your Las Vegas Airbnb is to decide on the theme of your Las Vegas Airbnb. The theme can be anything you want, but you want it to be something that will stand out among all of the other Las Vegas Airbnb’s. It’s also important to pick a theme that will appeal to a wide range of different people and demographics. Once you have decided on this, then it’s time for step two: Decorating and Designing Your Las Vegas Airbnb. There are many different ways that you can go about this, so let’s take a look at some options:


  • You can choose from any number of furniture store options in town if you’d like something new or fresh looking for your guests’ stay at your place (it is recommended though that if possible always try not only just one store but several). This could include stores like IKEA which offers many stylish yet affordable pieces or Crate & Barrel which offers more traditional styles with an upscale feel as well as Pottery Barn which specializes in classic design styles while still remaining modern enough not too clash with most modern decor themes such as contemporary bohemian style: An ideal choice! With all these options available now what’s stopping us? You could even try creating custom pieces yourself using reclaimed wood found throughout Nevada where there are plenty available!”

Decorate Your Las Vegas Airbnb

When you’re decorating your Las Vegas Airbnb, make sure you have a comfortable bed. A bed is the most important piece of furniture in any room and should be up to date and sturdy. You want to make sure that the guests enjoy their stay in your house, so having a comfortable bed will make them feel welcome and relaxed.

You should also have a TV in every room except for the bathroom and kitchen as well as an ironing board/iron combo if you have one. Having these amenities will help make each guest feel at home when they are staying with you so that they can relax after traveling all day or exploring Las Vegas!

Get A Professional Cleaner

The first step to turning your Las Vegas condo into a top Airbnb is hiring a professional cleaner. This may sound like a lot of work and an unnecessary expense, but it will pay off in the long run. When trying to book your unit as an Airbnb, guests are going to want to know that they are staying somewhere clean, safe and comfortable. A good cleaner will make sure that everything looks good when the guest arrives, which will help them feel more at home in your condo and make them more likely to leave positive reviews on TripAdvisor or other sites where travelers go looking for great places to stay.

The second reason why hiring a professional cleaner is important is because it gives you one less thing on your plate when trying set up for guests. Instead of having all day Saturday morning booked up with cleaning chores, hire someone who can do most of the work while you focus on preparing rooms that guests will actually be spending time in (i.e., not bathrooms).

How To Stock Your Las Vegas Airbnb

Every good Airbnb or short-term rental in general should be equipped with some basic essentials that will make any guest feel at home. Traveling can be a strenuous process for your guests, so equipping your home with the proper supplies will ensure that your guests have a bit more peace of mind during their stay. Take a look at our list of essential items to keep in your Airbnb below!

Many times a good kitchen setup in your Airbnb or short-term rental. Keeping your kitchen stocked with the proper essentials can keep your guests experiences positive and hospitable. Always make sure to at least have the following basics:


A bathroom in any type of short term rental should be both equipped with all of the necessary toiletry items and linens. 

Register Your Las Vegas Airbnb

There are six different places you need to register your Las Vegas Airbnb with, if it’s your first time selling on Airbnb. The city of Las Vegas cares about who stays in a condo and how long they stay there. The county of Clark County cares about what happens while someone stays in your condo, so make sure you do a thorough job cleaning up after visitors leave. The state of Nevada regulates short-term rentals and makes sure everyone pays their fair share of taxes on those rentals (like hotel rooms).

The IRS considers properties like yours to be commercial property that should be taxed at commercial rates. Likewise, the city and county governments also want taxes paid on them when you rent out your condo for less than 30 days at a time (outside of special events).

Review Rules And Regulations

It is important that you are aware of all the rules and regulations in order to avoid any problems. In addition, it is critical that you review your guest guide with each guest prior to check-in. The following information will help ensure your compliance with the most common rules:


  • Your rental agreement should contain a clause requiring guests to be respectful of others living in the building and neighborhood.

  • You may not permit or allow any individual or group who has been convicted of an unlawful act involving violence (for example, murder) against another person within five years prior to their arrival on your property by virtue of having been sentenced as a result of such conviction or plea bargain agreement reached prior thereto.

Create Guest Guide

Often times good short term rental hosts elect to leave their guests with a guest guide. These Guides are usually packed with instructions for operating things in the home, the wifi password, and nearby options for dining/entertainment. 


When your property is booked, get the most out of it by following up with guests. You should be checking in with them often, making sure they are having a great time and getting everything they need. This can help you build lasting relationships with your guests and give them a memorable experience so that when they share their photos or stories on social media it will help promote your property as well!

To ensure an even better guest experience, make sure to ask for feedback about the condo after each stay. You can then use these comments to improve future stays for other Airbnb hosts who rent out this same space! Another way you can add value is by offering recommendations for restaurants or activities nearby. Not only will this benefit potential renters, but also those who have already reserved the place!

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of turning your Las Vegas Condo into one of Las Vegas Top Airbnb’s, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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